ဧဒင္အခ်စ္ပံုၿပင္: တာလီဘန္တုိ ေသနတ္ျဖင့္ပစ္ခတ္ မႈခံခဲ့ရေသာပါကစၥတန္ေက်ာင္းသူမာလာလာယူဆြတ္ဖ္ဇုိင္း ယေန႕ ေဆးရံုမွဆင္းခြင္႕ရၿပီ

Friday 4 January 2013

တာလီဘန္တုိ ေသနတ္ျဖင့္ပစ္ခတ္ မႈခံခဲ့ရေသာပါကစၥတန္ေက်ာင္းသူမာလာလာယူဆြတ္ဖ္ဇုိင္း ယေန႕ ေဆးရံုမွဆင္းခြင္႕ရၿပီ

အမ်ဳိးသမီးမ်ား ပညာသင္ၾကားခြင့္ရေရး လႈပ္႐ွုားေတာင္းဆုိမႈေၾကာင့္တာလီဘန္တုိ႕က ေသနတ္ျဖင့္ပစ္ခတ္
မႈခံခဲ့ရေသာပါကစၥတန္ေက်ာင္းသူမာလာလာယူဆြတ္ဖ္ဇုိင္းသည္ ေဆး႐ုံမွယာယီဆင္းခြင့္ရၿပီး ၿဗိတိန္တြင္
မိသားစုႏွင့္အတူ ေနထိုင္မည္ဟု သိ႐ွိရသည္။ အသက္ ၁၅ ႏွစ္အ႐ြယ္ မာလာလာသည္ တာလီဘန္တုိ႕၏ ပစ္ခတ္မႈေၾကာင့္ဦးေခါင္းတြင္ ဒဏ္ရာရ႐ွိခဲ့ၿပီး ၿဗိ
တိန္ႏုိင္ငံ ဘာမင္ဂမ္႐ွိ Queen Elizabeth ေဆး႐ုံတြင္ ကုသမႈခံယူခဲ့ရသည္။
မာလာလာသည္ လာမည့္ ေဖေဖၚဝါရီလအတြင္း အေရးပါသည့္ ဦးေခါင္းခြဲစိတ္မႈတစ္ခုကုိ ခံယူရအုံးမည္ျဖစ္
ကာ အဆုိပါခြဲစိတ္ကုသမႈ မခံယူမီ ေဆး႐ုံမွ ေခတၱဆင္းခြင့္ရျခင္းျဖစ္သည္။
POLITICS Schoolgirl 124808

Undated handout photo issued by Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham of Malala Yousufzai in her hospital bed with her father Ziauddin and her two younger brothers Atal Khan (far right) and Khushal Khan (centre). PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Friday October 26, 2012. Her father thanked Dr Dave Rosser and the hospital staff for the treatment his daughter is receiving. See PA story POLITICS Schoolgirl. Photo credit should read: Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham/PA Wire 

NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder. UHB

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